Xianming David Bai
Associate professor
David Bai

256 Holden Hall
Research Interests:
- Computational materials science (atomistic to mesoscale)
- Radiation effects in nuclear materials
- Defect and microstructural evolution in metals and oxides
- Thermal transport in ceramics
- Mechanical behavior of materials
- Phase transformations
- Granular materials modeling
- B.S. Fudan University, China
- M.S. Fudan University, China
- M.S. Johns Hopkins University
- Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology
Honors & Awards:
- Thomas G. Digges and Thomas G. Digges Jr. Faculty Fellow, Virginia Tech, 2020
- 2020 VT College of Engineering Outstanding New Assistant Professor
- ICTAS Junior Faculty Award, Virginia Tech, 2020
- National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, 2019
- ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 2018
- TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award, 2015
- Exceptional Contributions Program Award, Idaho National Laboratory, 2014
Professional Affiliations:
- Materials Research Society (MRS)
- The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
- American Nuclear Society (ANS)