Guo-Quan Lu
- Director, Power Electronics Materials, Modules, and Manufacturing Laboratory

293 Holden Hall
Jointly appointed in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Electronic packaging and electronic materials
- Packaging of power semiconductor devices and modules
- Material synthesis for die bonding, electrical insulation, and magnetic components
- Reliability of power semiconductor packages
Honors and Awards
- Topic Chair, International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS) (2020-22)
- Technical Program Chair/Co-Chair, International Symposium on 3D Power
- Electronics Integration and Manufacturing (3D-PEIM) (2016, 2018, 2021)
- Outstanding Technical Paper Award, IEEE ICEP-IAAC Conference (2019)
- 1st Place Paper Award, IEEE IAS Industrial Power Conversion Systems (2019)
- IEEE Fellow (2018)
- 3rd Place Paper Award (W. Portnoy Award), IEEE IAS Industrial Power Conversion Systems (2017); D 100 Award (2017)
- National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (1995-99)
- Virginia Tech Sporn Award for teaching (1995)
- Technical Program Chair, the International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP) (2000)
- ALCOA Foundation Scholarship (1979–84)
Professional Activities
- Organizer/co-organizer workshops/symposia/sessions: CIPS, ICEP, 3D-PEIM, ECCE, APEC, IMAPS
- Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging (2004-12)
- Guest Editor, IEEE Trans. CPMT: CPT (2001-03); Materials (2019)
- Faculty advisor to Virginia Tech IMAPS Student Chapter since 2000
- 1990: Ph.D., applied physics/materials science, Harvard University
- 1989: M.S., applied physics/materials science, Harvard University
- 1984: Bachelor’s degrees in materials science and engineering and physics, Carnegie Mellon University