Levon Asryan
Associate professor

284 Holden Hall
Google Scholar Profile
Research Interests:
- Physics of semiconductor materials and devices, nano- and optoelectronics, photonics
- Low-dimensional heterostructures, nanostructures, quantum dots, quantum wells
- Theory of semiconductor quantum dot lasers and quantum well lasers
- Ph.D., Physics and Mathematics, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Doctor of Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Honors & Awards:
- Highest Award (State Prize) of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology for contributions to "Fundamental investigations of heterostructures with quantum dots and development of quantum dot lasers," 2001
- First Best Paper Award of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2001
Professional Memberships
- 2019: Senior Member, SPIE
- 2005: Senior Member, IEEE