Elizabeth Dickey
- Associate Department Head, North Carolina State University

Elizabeth Dickey is a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at North Carolina State University, where she directs the Center for Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics, an National Science Foundation University/Industry Cooperative Research Center with 26 international members. Her research focuses on developing processing-structure-property relationships for materials, in which the macroscopic physical properties are governed by point defects, grain boundaries, or internal interfaces.
Dickey has over 150 peer-reviewed journal publications, which have over 11,000 citations and an ISIH-index of 45. Early in her career she received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for her work on metal-ceramic interfaces. She is a fellow of the American Ceramic Society, has served on the Board of Directors, and was awarded the Fulrath Award by the Society in 2012. She is currently an editor for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and serves as a physical sciences director for the Microscopy Society of America.