Jeremy Busby

Jeremy Busby is the Division Director for the Materials Science and Technology Division in the Physical Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His contributions range from light water reactors to sodium reactors and space reactor systems, as well as research in support of the ITER project.
Busby’s research is focused on materials performance and development of materials for nuclear reactor applications. While at Oak Ridge, Busby has participated in materials research efforts for space reactors, fusion machines, advanced fast reactors, and light water reactors. Ultimately, the results of this diverse research will enable the development of operating criteria for structural materials in a variety of adverse environments that will allow for design and operation of safe, reliable, and cost-effective nuclear systems.
Currently, Busby leads the Materials Aging and Degradation Pathway for the U.S Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy Light Water Reactor Sustainability Research and Development program. He also leads the Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies Materials Cross-Cut effort, in addition to participation in several nuclear industry-sponsored research tasks. As principal investigator for the DOE Office of Science ITER Program, he led an investigation into the feasibility of using innovative cast austenitic stainless steel for the first wall structure of the international ITER project. The Oak Ridge team used advanced computational thermodynamics modeling to successfully devise a cast SS within the internationally-approved chemical composition limits for the ITER stainless steel with a tensile strength comparable to wrought stainless steel (>50% improvement in strength over the cast stainless steel previously developed by industry), without compromising other properties.
In 2010, Busby received the Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering, following this effort for “excellence in research leading to the development of high performance cast stainless steels, a critical part of the U.S. Contributions to ITER project, and for his mentoring of students both as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan and at ORNL.”
In 2011, he was honored with a Secretary of Energy Achievement Award for contributions to DOE’s response to Fukushima. The American Nuclear Society presented Busby with the Landis Young Member Achievement award in 2006, and in 2007, he received the ORNL Early Career Award for Engineering Accomplishment for his leadership in the cast stainless steel effort.
He is an adjunct assistant professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan and has developed and taught his own graduate-level course in materials degradation and performance for fission and fusion reactors. He also is heavily involved in the leadership of many professional societies.
Busby received his bachelor of science degree in nuclear engineering from Kansas State University, and his master of science and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering from University of Michigan.